“We Can’t Have Land Back Without Water Back”

Julia Bernal came of age while living in a watershed turned upside down by dams and diversions. Now an activist, she campaigns for Indigenous rights — and the water to sustain them.

Waste-To-Energy Tech Could Slash U.S. Water Sector Carbon Emissions, But Its Potential Remains Underdeveloped

U.S. utilities have been slower to adopt the energy- and emissions-saving technologies than those in other parts of the world.

What’s Up With Water – August 2, 2021

Listen to the August 2, 2021 edition of Circle of Blue's weekly water news What's Up With Water.

Some Chicagoans Wary of Lead Pipe Replacement

Mistrust of the government, fears related to immigration, and unclear messaging make the operation a hard sell in some neighborhoods.

Cheap Cybersecurity Defenses Exist, But They’re Not Reaching Water Utilities Who Need Them

An era of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure has begun. Rural water utilities have vulnerabilities and advantages.

What’s Up With Water – July 12, 2021

Listen to the July 12, 2021 episode of What's Up With Water - The need-to-know news on the world’s water.

Dealing With The Soup of Chemicals That Can Get Into Your Drinking Water

All the things that go down the drain and end up at the waste water treatment plant are not removed there. It's a soup of chemicals.

Constant, Compounding Disasters Are Exhausting Emergency Response

Fires, droughts, floods, power outages. The interval between disasters is shortening, or in some cases disappearing altogether.

Detroit Flooding Previews Risks from a Warming Climate

Urban infrastructure in many cities was not built for current and future climate pressures.

What’s Up With Water – June 28, 2021

Listen to the June 28, 2021 episode of What's Up With Water - The need-to-know news on the world’s water.

Drought, The Everything Disaster

When water stops flowing, painful days are at hand.