At Dawn of Biden Administration, Opportunities for Water Systems

President Biden put forward a $2 trillion climate plan that mentions a bucketful of spending options to shore up America’s built and natural infrastructure.

California Households Owe $1 Billion in Water-Bill Debt

In California, a statewide survey indicates that low-income households and communities of color are most affected by overdue water bills.

HotSpots H2O: Rapidly Disappearing Tuni Glacier Raises Concerns for Bolivian Water Scarcity

The Tuni glacier, a formerly vast piece of ice that rises over the Bolivian capital of La Paz as a critical water source, is disappearing faster than predicted.

Four International Water Stories to Watch in 2021

What are the large water events to pay attention to in 2021? What are the trends and flashpoints?

HotSpots H2O: River Dredging Near Chernobyl Risks Radioactive Water Contamination

Eight million people in Ukraine are in danger of drinking contaminated water due to the construction of an inland shipping route.

In Trump Administration’s Final-Days Deregulatory Push, Army Corps Reduces Stream Protections

The Army Corps of Engineers finalized a rule on January 4 that further retracts federal protections for the nation’s smallest streams.

Years After Flint Water Crisis, Lead Lingers in School Buildings Across the Nation

In its 2021 budget, Congress included millions for lead testing in schools, where children are still exposed to the toxic metal.

India Has Water for Its Economic Plans – If Farms Can Be More Thrifty

India’s farmers are key to the country’s industrial future, a think-tank report finds.

Four U.S. Water Stories to Watch in 2021

The upheaval of last year will set the stage for the next 12 months.
Flint Michigan drinking water plant J Carl Ganter infrastructure