Government Neglect Hurts Hungarian Healthcare When It Is Most Needed
Government neglect has led to a healthcare system in Hungary…
Millions of Americans Are In Water Debt
Most Americans give little thought to water bills, paying them on time and in full. But for a subset of homeowners and renters, water debt is constant and menacing.

UN Project Focuses on Women’s Hygiene in Bangladesh
Two United Nations agencies are supporting a project that aims…

The Stream, August 4, 2020: Future Monsoon Seasons in India Will Be Weaker, Study Says
The Global Rundown
A new study predicts future monsoon seasons…

Development Organization Aids 20 Million with Water Access Across Africa
In rural and urban communities throughout Africa, 20 million…
HotSpots H2O : Tensions Rise in Horn of Africa as Ethiopia Fills Controversial Dam
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, situated snuggly between Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan on the Blue Nile, has brought years of controversy to the Horn of Africa.

When It Rains, Texas Forgets Drought and Worsening Water Scarcity
In Texas, dry years reveal a momentous confrontation as residents encounter the menacing consequence of runaway growth.

Thousands of Cholera Cases Could Be Undetected in Yemen
Thousands of people in Yemen could be dying from cholera that…

Maine City Begins Testing Wastewater for New Coronavirus
The Portland Water District, along with a lab at Saint Joseph’s…

Kenya Looks to Sustain Health Focus Beyond the Pandemic
As Covid-19 cases continue to rise in Kenya, a coordinated effort by the government and aid organizations addresses water, hygiene, and sanitation.

The Stream, July 30, 2020: Ammonia Pollutes Delhi’s Water Supply
The Global Rundown
Water supply in parts of Delhi are being…

ICRC Supports Bangladesh Effort to Prevent Covid-19 Outbreaks in Prisons
The International Committee of the Red Cross said that it is…