Chinese dams held back Mekong waters during drought, study finds
A study says water levels measured downstream from China along the Thai-Lao border were at times up to 3 metres lower than they should have been.

More Members of Congress Support Water Aid
The number of supporters in Congress for utility assistance in…

Testing for the Coronavirus in Sea Spray near the U.S.-Mexico Border
Is the new coronavirus blowing in the ocean breeze?
The National…

Idled Buildings Pose Water Quality Risk
Stagnant water in unoccupied buildings can be a breeding ground…
Water Contamination Risks Lurk in Plumbing of Idled Buildings
Stagnant water is a breeding ground for bacteria. Before reopening shuttered buildings, the internal water systems need to be investigated, plumbing experts say.

Industry Survey Indicates Revenue Challenges for U.S. Water Utilities
A rising number of water utilities expect that the coronavirus…

House Bill Would Ban Water Shutoffs, Require Water Service Reconnection
Legislation introduced in the House today would offer states…

Handwashing in a Time of Covid-19: A DIY Los Angeles Story
In Skid Row, an area on the eastern edge of downtown Los Angeles, more than 2,700 people live unsheltered on the street. City leaders, concerned that the new coronavirus could spread rapidly in the absence of adequate hygiene, ordered 250 public handwashing stations in mid-March.

IRC Warns of Covid-19 Risks in Vulnerable Countries
The International Rescue Committee warns that fragile countries are “ill equipped to handle an unprecedented pandemic on their own.” The report from the respected humanitarian organization focuses on vulnerabilities in South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen, as well as conditions in camps for refugees and displaced people.

Water Shutoffs Are Suspended, But the Bills Will Still Be Due
Many utilities will not disconnect water during the coronavirus emergency. But residents are still required to pay their bills when it’s over.

Amid Food Industry Shifts, Farmers Dump Milk
Demand for dairy products at the grocery store is soaring, with milk purchases up 53 percent in the week that ended March 21 compared to the same period last year, according to Nielsen data. After years of falling prices, farmers ought to be elated with the clamor for milk, butter, and cheese. But as Reuters reports, food supply chains face financial and technical barriers to shift production to cater to a suddenly inflated retail market.

House Democrats Advocate for Water Provisions in Next Covid-19 Bill
Eighty House Democrats signed a letter sent to leaders in Congress…