‘Make Agribusinesses Pay the Full Costs:’ In Blue New Deal, Warren Targets Farm Pollution, Great Lakes
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Elizabeth Warren, called for a Blue New Deal, unveiling her plan to protect the oceans, Great Lakes, and the rivers that flow into them from pollution and overdevelopment.
Atmospheric Rivers, Conveyor Belts of Extreme Moisture, Rack Up Heavy Flood Damages in Western United States
Researchers estimate $1 billion in flood damages annually in last 40 years from atmospheric rivers.
Baltimore Council Approves Income-Based Water Bills
The Baltimore City Council, in the face of rising water and sewer rates and public anger over billing errors, approved a discount program that ties monthly water bills for its poorest residents to their annual household income.
Navajo Generating Station, a Union of Coal and Water, Shuts Down
The shutdown of Navajo Generating Station, which was planned for several years, also brought an end to a four-decade bond in Arizona between a coal plant and water-supply infrastructure.
HotSpots H2O: Bushfires Raze Parts of Eastern Australia as Government Quarrels over Climate Change
Devastating wildfires are sweeping across large swathes of Australia’s drought-stricken eastern coast, heralding what is likely to be a long and unforgiving bushfire season.Â

Climate Change Magnifies Health Risks at Every Stage of Life
Floods, droughts, and warming temperatures are already increasing illness and disease risk and may pull back previous health gains, benchmark Lancet Countdown report finds.

As Legionnaires’ Disease Cases Surge, Lawsuits Pile Up
Can legal liability prompt action where regulation has yet to catch up?

Legionnaires’ Disease Cases Soar Again, Set New Record
The reported cases of Legionnaires' disease in 2018 increased by 33 percent, according to official federal government data.