A New Beginning for Climate Reporting
Could it be that the press, especially the US press, is finally waking up to the climate story? Part of the Covering Climate Now partnership.
‘Americans are waking up’: two thirds say climate crisis must be addressed
Two-thirds of Americans believe climate change is either a crisis or a serious problem.

5 Things You Need To Know About Water And Climate
Here are five things you need to know about water and climate.
HotSpots H2O: In Bahamas, Lack of Toilets and Safe Water Pose Disease Risk After Dorian
The Bahamas are still reeling after Hurricane Dorian caused widespread destruction earlier this month.
Study: Inadequate Groundwater for Current and Potential Demands in Basin Targeted by Las Vegas
Spring, creeks, and wetlands on the Nevada-Utah border are at risk in “worst case” pumping scenario, U.S. Geological Survey finds.
How Terrorists Leverage Climate Change
In the era of climate change, the wall between the natural hazards and terrorism is crumbling.
Costs of Water Pollution, a Global Scourge, ‘Underestimated and Underappreciated’
A new World Bank report highlights the extensive damage to health, ecosystems, and economies due to water pollution.

What’s Up With Water – September 9, 2019
In this week's episode of What's Up With Water includes a feature on Houston's massive sewer refit aimed at improving water quality.

Houston Agrees to $2 Billion Sewer Fix
Houston, the largest city in Texas is the latest to face a federal order to plug a leaky sewer system. Fewer such orders may be coming.

What’s Up With Water – September 3, 2019
Listen to the latest edition of What's Up With Water, this week examining a solar power initiative in India.

The Transformation and Innovation of Agriculture – Interview with Naty Barak
J. Carl Ganter sits down and talks with Naty Barak on the transformation and innovation in the agriculture sector.