Water Utility Consolidation in California
A look at water utility consolidation in California.
In Bid for Cleaner Water, California Seeks Arranged Utility Marriages
Uniting small, failing utilities with larger neighbors can fix water problems.
Despite Billions in Losses and Clear Financial Dangers, Companies Slow to Respond to Water Risks
More businesses track water use, but fewer take the next step of setting targets.
What’s Up With Water – India’s Groundwater Crisis is Intensifying
I’m Eileen Wray-McCann, for Circle of Blue, and here’s…
The Stream, April 4: Portugal Assembles Record Number of Firefighters After Extremely Dry Winter
The Global Rundown
Portugal assembles a record-high number of…
The Water ‘Accessibility Trap’: Q&A with Alexandra Campbell-Ferrari and Luke Wilson
Authors of a report on local drinking water laws discuss the lack of water shutoff data and the fees that make it harder for struggling households to stay afloat.
In Maryland, Vulnerability to Water Shutoffs Depends on Your Address
New report highlights how local laws can trap households in a cycle of fees that influence water affordability, shutoffs, and timely bill payment.
Reporter Wins Award for His Work on Choke Point: Tamil Nadu
Sibi Arasu honored for his reporting on the environment, including two articles from the Choke Point: Tamil Nadu series.
In war, dirty water more dangerous to children than violence, says UNICEF
Most vulnerable are young children under age 5, who are 20 times more likely to die from diseases than violence.