What’s Up With Water – Mexico, approved exploratory fracking wells in pursuit of energy independence.
What’s Up with Water, your “need-to-know news” of the…
New Jersey Said 10 Years Ago It Would Rank Its Most Contaminated Sites. It Never Did.
For decades, New Jersey’s chemical plants, textile mills and metal factories helped power America. That came at a price.
Lake Erie’s Bill Of Rights
Toledo, Ohio, residents will vote on an unusual and controversial proposal to steward their water – by giving Lake Erie its own legal rights
What’s Up With Water – Proposal To Give Lake Erie Its Own Legal Rights
I’m Eileen Wray-McCann, for Circle of Blue, and here’s…
Humans have made the planet greener, and why that could be a mixed blessing
Humans are officially greening the earth. Is that a good thing?

What’s Up With Water – The Mixed Blessing of Humans Greening the Planet
Listen to hear the Implications of global greening and water waste in the oil fields of the Permian Basin.
Permian Oil Boom Uncorks Multibillion-Dollar Water Play
Producing oil produces even more water. Getting rid of it is a large and expanding business.
The Stream, February 15: U.S. EPA Pushes PFAS Draft Regulations to End of 2019
The Global Rundown
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency…

EPA Says It Will Regulate Two PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water
The EPA’s PFAS action plan includes steps for regulation, monitoring, detection, and cleanup.

What’s Up With Water – Water Stress and Conflict in Nigeria, and More
This week's focus of Circle of Blue's weekly podcast is on water stress and conflict in Nigeria.

With Rising Temperatures, Stark Changes Ahead for Asia’s Water Tower
The melting of the Hindu Kush Himalaya region will alter water supplies for a quarter of the planet’s people.

Despite Unity of Purpose, Familiar Schisms Appear As California Lawmakers Rekindle Clean Water Funding Debate
Three options on are the table for helping water utilities deliver clean water.