Straight Pipes Foul Kentucky’s Long Quest to Clean Its Soiled Waters

A two-decade mission to reduce sewage pollution still has a lot of work to finish.

International Conference Discusses Remedies to Lake Chad Crisis

Ambitious engineering project on the agenda. By Brett…

What’s Up With Water – February 26, 2018

Transcripts In Nigeria, an international conference…

Pennsylvania’s Environmental Rights Amendment Grows Some Teeth

After decades of irrelevance, two court decisions uphold people's right to "clean air, pure water," hearten activists to push for more.

What’s Up With Water – February 19, 2018

Cape Town pushes Day Zero back to June 4 as South Africa declares…

Water Closely Linked to World’s Refugee Crisis

Behind barbed-wire fences at this camp in northern Jordan, about 33,000 Syrians — half of them children — exist uneasily, housed in rows of rudimentary shelters that barely protect them from the winter cold.

Amid Political Quarrels over Cape Town Crisis, Engineers Prepare Dams for Day Zero

Squabbles between South Africa’s politicians over who is to blame for Cape Town’s water emergency reached such a pitch in recent weeks that leaders, in an attempt to soften the debate, invoked the country’s icon of peace and resolve.

What’s Up With Water – a condensation of the world’s water February 12, 2018

“What’s Up With Water” condenses the need-to-know news on the world’s water into a snapshot for the start of the workweek.

Many Questions as Expert Committee Begins Study of Legionella in Plumbing

The National Academy of Sciences addresses risks from deadliest U.S. water disease.