Gina Lopez, Philippine Environment Secretary, Pursues Watershed Protection

Clear goals to enforce pollution laws jeopardize the new secretary’s job.

Water Utility Cyberattack Rings Up Hefty Data Charges

Money is often the root of cyberattacks on water utilities, experts…

Trump Proposal to Fix U.S. Water Infrastructure Invites Large Role for Private Investors

Private-public partnerships, a potential funding source, are…

Alaska Seeks River Protections Against British Columbia Mines | PODCAST |

State and provincial leaders cooperate on threat to transboundary…

U.S. Appeals Court Affirms Tribal Groundwater Rights

Lawsuit could reach the U.S. Supreme Court. By Brett Walton,…

Clean Water Rule Repeal Cannot Come at a Pen Stroke

Trump executive order seeks to remove federal protections for…

Sinking Land Crushes California Groundwater Storage Capacity

Overpumping diminishes ability to store water underground.

Utilities Move to Break Arizona’s Coal-Water Link

The proposed halt to operations in 2019 at the West’s largest…

Oroville Emergency a Warning for U.S. Dam Safety

California prepares for long battle with Oroville’s damaged spillway.

Sinking Land Causes California Water Chokepoint

Buckled canals, damaged because of groundwater pumping, impair state’s ability to deliver water and control floods.

Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

New reporting project describes how drought, storms, and floods…