2016 in Water: Rising Costs, Powerful Civic Opposition, New Investment Pressure, and Stranded Assets

2016 in Water: This year Circle of Blue found that water stresses activated big confrontations over policy, resource supply, and economic stability around the nation and the world.

Alabama Risks Lives with No Dam Oversight

Only state without a dam safety program. By Brett Walton,…

U.S. Dam Safety Improves But Faces Evolving Risks

No fatal dam failures in last decade, but plenty of warnings. By…
Kamoto Mining in the DRC. Photo by Cody Pope for Circle of Blue

Water and Mining: Are Companies Correctly Pricing in Risks? | PODCAST |

From Peru to Australia water stresses are rewriting the way mines…

Water Safety Activism in Rural Red States Impedes Fossil Energy Development

Opposition to a big pipeline in Kentucky is a case in point. By…

After Flint Failure, EPA Refocuses Federal Drinking Water Role

Agency notes that safe water is a communal effort. By…

Potomac River Agreement Reached By West Virginia, Maryland

Neighbors come to terms on river water permits. By Brett…