World Bank, Despite Promises, Finances Big Coal and Industrial Projects That Threaten Water, Communities

Investigation finds International Finance Corporation invests…

California Designs First Statewide Water Affordability Program

Many questions before the program begins operating. By…
Satellite details from July 19, 2016 showing wildfires and smoke blanketing parts of Siberia. NASA/JPL

Projecting Global Water Supplies With A New Tool

ISciences develops predictive model for anticipating water stress. The…

Marriage Of Coal And Water In Arizona Renews Vows

U.S. government moves to extend lease for coal plant that pushes…

Mississippi’s Claim That Tennessee Is Stealing Groundwater Is A Supreme Court First

A dispute over an aquifer that crosses political boundaries could…

EPA Announces National Wastewater Nutrient Pollution Census

Agency will study nitrogen and phosphorus removal at wastewater…

Climate Change Will Cripple Coastal Septic Systems

Backyard units need to adapt to changing environmental conditions. By…

U.S., Mexican Scientists Collaborate on Border Aquifer Research

First-ever assessment program confirms boundaries of two shared…

Groundwater Shared by Countries Is Knowledge Void

Management of transboundary aquifers is on the United Nations…

Gina Lopez, a “Crusader,” Sets Philippines Water, Mining Safety on Unexpected New Course

New environment secretary vows to enforce rule of law. By…