Each province, municipality, and autonomous region of China has been assigned a shade, which corresponds to the amount of major grains that were harvested in that part of the country for that particular year.* Lighter green represents a smaller harvest, while darker green represents a larger harvest. The numerical values corresponding to these shades have been defined in the legend in terms of total metric tons of major grains harvested, where major grains are considered to be corn, rice, and wheat.
At the top, click through the years to see how food production trends in China have changed. Click on any of China's 31 provinces/municipalities/regions that are displayed on the map to see the total major grain production harvested in that area broken into the percentages attributed to corn, rice, and wheat individually. In the pop-up charts, the production of corn, rice, and wheat has also been defined in metric tons.
Map created by Samuel Kosinski / Circle of Blue with contributions from Aubrey Ann Parker and Jordan B. Bates of Circle of Blue and with assistance from Jennifer Turner of the Wilson Center's China Environment Forum.
*Note that the default year is set to show data for 1997. The total "major grain production" was obtained by taking the sum of corn, rice, and wheat production for a particular year. All data values were found in numerous statistical yearbooks by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.