The Great Lakes

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Great Lakes in Depth

Asian Carp – The battle to protect the Great Lakes from the “Silver Menace.”

Line 5 Pipeline – video scenarios of fast and expansive movement of oil in two Great Lakes.

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A coal loader eats away at a mountain of black coal at the Port of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia. In 2011, the mines, trains, and coal loading terminals here shipped about 114 million metric tons of coal on about 1,000 freighters, bringing billions of dollars in export earnings.
Protesters in Cusco, Peru in 2008 take part in a national day of strike against the government of former President Alan García, who opened up large areas of the Amazon to logging and mining interests.
Protesters in Cusco, Peru in 2008 take part in a national day of strike against the government of former President Alan García, who opened up large areas of the Amazon to logging and mining interests.
Protesters in Cusco, Peru in 2008 take part in a national day of strike against the government of former President Alan García, who opened up large areas of the Amazon to logging and mining interests.
Protesters in Cusco, Peru in 2008 take part in a national day of strike against the government of former President Alan García, who opened up large areas of the Amazon to logging and mining interests.