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91 search results for: "central asia"


HotSpots H2O, November 19: Deadly Water Disputes Intensify in Central Asia as Glaciers Melt

The Rundown In Central Asia, small-scale water conflicts flare frequently along the jigsaw borders that separate Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Sometimes, these disagreements turn deadly. Under Soviet rule, water-rich Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan provided much of the water needed for the region’s agriculture, which is fed by canals that cross what are now international […]


The Stream, March 2: Drought Looms in Central Asia

The Global Rundown Central Asia should prepare for scarce water supplies in the Amu Darya river basin this year, according to the president of Tajikistan. A drought in Africa has cut water flows over Victoria Falls to 30-year lows. Shutting off the water supply to New Delhi was a calculated move by protesters frustrated by […]


The Stream, October 7: Central Asia Leads World in Water Wasting

Water Scarcity Central Asian nations, as a region, have the highest per capita water use in the world but also the highest water use per dollar of gross domestic product, according to a report published in Nature, Eurasianet reported. The article concludes that water scarcity is not as much a problem as water waste in […]


The Stream, July 15: Central Asia’s Climate-Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Peabody Energy Corp. will pursue a giant coal-mine project in China’s resource-rich but dry Xinjiang region in partnership with the local provincial government, The Wall Street Journal reported. A new study by the United States Forest Service found that a patch of national forest in West Virginia suffered quick and serious loss of vegetation after […]