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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, February 17, 2021: Mekong River Levels Fall Dangerously Low, Commission Says

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN The Mekong River Commission called for Beijing to release all available water data after Mekong River levels fell dangerously low. A new project at Michigan State University aims to turn wastewater into drinking water. Sewer mains and service lines could be letting millions of gallons of groundwater into Traverse City, Michigan’s sanitary […]


The Stream, April 14, 2020: China Withheld Mekong River Water from Drought-Hit Downstream Nations, Study States

The Global Rundown New research by a U.S.-based company states that China withheld Mekong river water from downstream nations last year despite drought conditions. April rainfall eases drought in California, while dry conditions intensify in Florida. Communities along the Missouri River fear spring flooding reminiscent of last year’s deluge. Zimbabwe works to improve cultural acceptance […]


The Stream, March 19, 2020: Cambodia to Halt New Mekong Hydropower Projects for 10 Years

The Global Rundown Cambodia says it will halt hydropower construction on the Mekong River for the next 10 years. Kenyan communities jumpstart initiatives to combat the coronavirus, including setting up handwashing stations and educating residents. As the coronavirus slows activities in Italy, the canals in Venice turn clear. A study warns that global banks are […]