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316 search results for: solar power


Federal Water Tap, November 27: Army Corps Signs Agreement for Solar Panels above Tribe’s Irrigation Canal

The Rundown EPA publishes draft guidance for groundwater pollution regulation enabled by a 2020 U.S Supreme Court decision. A Department of Energy lab reports on the state of the U.S. hydropower market. EPA watchdog announces new investigations into underground injection wells and funding for removing lead drinking water pipes. National Weather Service intends to study […]


The Stream, March 19, 2020: Cambodia to Halt New Mekong Hydropower Projects for 10 Years

The Global Rundown Cambodia says it will halt hydropower construction on the Mekong River for the next 10 years. Kenyan communities jumpstart initiatives to combat the coronavirus, including setting up handwashing stations and educating residents. As the coronavirus slows activities in Italy, the canals in Venice turn clear. A study warns that global banks are […]