The Value of Water:
Perception vs. Reality
Motivating value and values for water
Thursday, August 31, 2017 3:00p-4:30p CEST 9:00a-10:30a EDT
This dynamic ideas lab at World Water Week will explore the deeper conversation around the value of water, how it is perceived, how leaders are responding, and ultimately, how business, governments, NGOs, and stakeholders can better understand and create powerful narratives to talk about water’s worth.
The event has three integrated chapters:
What are the shared values of water? This will explore public and professional perceptions about the value of water and include fresh reportage from Circle of Blue.
Tools of engagement. What messages will effectively engage business, governments, NGOs, public, and the media around the value and values of water?
Theory into practice: Hands-on examples of successful approaches and programs that address re-framing the value of water.
Session Agenda
2:00 pm J. Carl Ganter, Opening comments and perspective
What we’re going to do over the next 90 minutes. Then what comes next…
2:10 pm Defining the value of water
Brief overview — common narrative — what are we talking about when we say “value of water?”
2:13 pm Cody Pope, Circle of Blue – Perception vs. Reality
How to understand what people mean when they discuss value
2:16 pm J. Carl Ganter, Circle of Blue — Watershed
Inputs from World Water Day at the Vatican – Value and Values of Water
2:19 pm François Brikké, Global Water Partnership, — Water and Faith
A value and values context with a faith community perspective
2:22 pm Elizabeth Yaari, — Value of Water and gender
The value of water from a gender/equity perspective
2:25 pm Brett Walton, Circle of Blue – Live from Stockholm
Inputs and review from Water Week sessions on value of water and related new inputs from H2O Catalyst interactive broadcast
2:28 pm Brian Collins (TBC), Collins: Communications design view from outside the water bubble
Remarks from renowned global marketing/branding expert, telling the water value story for action
2:31 pm J. Carl Ganter, Circle of Blue — Group challenge: Messaging water
Break into groups with a specific challenges. Targeting water – each group will have to design a targeted message built on the introductory comments from special guest experts
2:35 pm Pitches from each group
2:40 pm Report outs to group
3:00 pm J. Carl Ganter – Calendar of events and what lies ahead for value of water as concept, as initiative; paths for follow up
3:20 pm Session closes