HotSpots H2O: Acute Hunger Could Double Worldwide Due to Covid-19 Crisis, WFP Warns

The World Food Programme and other aid organizations warn that the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic reverberations could cause a substantial spike in global food insecurity.  

In Covid-19 Response Plan for Iraq, UN Migration Agency Aims to Expand Hygiene Services

The International Organization for Migration released its Covid-19…

First Confirmed Covid-19 Case in Lebanon Refugee Camp

A Palestinian woman from Syria is the first confirmed case of…

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Trump Bid to Limit Water Pollution Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected arguments seeking to limit the reach of a landmark water pollution law in a Hawaii dispute over wastewater indirectly discharged into the Pacific Ocean.

Small U.S. Water Utilities Anticipate Nearly $1 Billion Revenue Loss

Small U.S. water and wastewater utilities say that they expect…

Covid-19 Shutdowns Slow Response to Tropical Cyclone Harold in Pacific Islands

The shutdown of economies and the severing of transportation…

In Pandemic, New Thinking on Responding to Weather Disasters

The challenges of disaster response are being magnified by the global pandemic. Disaster experts said that emergency managers and governments will be severely tested this year.

Molybdenum Ore Spill Is China’s Biggest Tailings Leak in Nearly 20 Years

A spillage of waste molybdenum ore in northeast China last month was the biggest tailings leak the country witnessed in almost 20 years and needed the toughest environmental emergency response, the environment ministry said on Monday.

The Stream, April 22, 2020: Brazil’s Most Populous Indigenous Reserve Hit by Daily Water Interruptions

The Global Rundown Amid the coronavirus pandemic, water interruptions…