Building Bigger Walls in San Francisco Bay to Hold Back Rising Waters

Spurred by a recent change in federal flood zone maps and a desire to prepare for rising seas, Foster City is in the process of raising its levees.

The Stream, March 11, 2020: Heavy Spring Flooding Likely in Midwest U.S., Forecasters Warn

The Global Rundown U.S. meteorologists warn that the midwest…

The Stream, March 10, 2020: Detroit Changes Water Shutoff Policy as Coronavirus Spreads

The Global Rundown Detroit, Michigan, provides low-cost water…

Federal Water Tap, March 9: EPA Science Advisers Criticize Waters of the United States Definition

The Rundown Outside advisers rebuke the EPA for a rule that…

HotSpots H2O: Public to Decide Fate of Contested Brewery in Northern Mexico

The future of a controversial brewery in northern Mexico will be determined by the public, according to statements from Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. 

Hidden Flood Risk for San Francisco Bay Area Communities Lurks Underground

Flooding linked to rising groundwater levels is a neglected consequence of rising seas. Bigger walls won't keep it out.

The Stream, March 4, 2020: Citing Coronavirus Fears, Activists Call for Detroit Water Shutoffs to End

The Global Rundown As the coronavirus spreads across the U.S.,…

The Stream, March 3, 2020: Sacramento and San Francisco Record Zero Observed Rainfall in February

The Global Rundown San Francisco, California, goes an entire…