The Stream, June 19, 2019: Louisiana Governor Calls for Disaster Declaration as Flooding Devastates Fishing Industry

The Global Rundown The governor of Louisiana asks the U.S. government…

Price of Water 2019: Even Without Federal Infrastructure Deal, Cities Continue to Invest

The rising price of water continues to raise questions about affordability for households at the bottom of the income distribution.

The Stream, June 18, 2019: India Hopes to Provide Drinking Water to All Rural Homes by 2024, PM Says

The Global Rundown Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announces…

Federal Water Tap, June 17: Senators Release PFAS Bill Package

The Rundown The legislation aims to force the EPA to regulate…

HotSpots H2O: Violence Flares in India Amid Record Heat and Delayed Monsoon Rains

India’s monsoon, essential for the country’s water supply, arrived a week late this year, testing the patience of a country where extreme weather is fraying the social fabric.

The Stream, June 14, 2019: Prosecutors Dismiss Criminal Charges in Flint Water Crisis Cases

The Global Rundown The Michigan Department of the Attorney General…

The Stream, June 13, 2019: UK Flood Defenses Prevent $1.4bn in Yearly Damages, Analysis Shows

The Global Rundown Flood defenses in the United Kingdom are…

Pesticides, Antibiotics, Heavy Metals Tarnish Europe’s Waterways

New chemicals and medicines are being developed, then leaching into waterways, faster than researchers can study them.

The Stream, June 11, 2019: Barge Traffic Across the Midwestern U.S. Slowed by High River Levels

The Global Rundown Flooding in the midwestern United States…

North Carolina Community Struggles to Recover from Repeated Floods

A look at how a North Carolina community is struggling to recover from repeated floods.