After Hurricanes, Pollution Hazards for Private Water Wells in the Southeast

Floodwaters from Florence and Michael introduce bacteria and contaminants into wells.

The Stream, November 2: Mexico City Cuts Water for 3 Days To Perform Repairs

The Global Rundown Mexico City shuts off its water system for…

The Stream, November 1: Lead Found in Drinking Water Across Newark, New Jersey

The Global Rundown Newark, New Jersey, faces widespread lead…

The Stream, October 31: Waterways in Mali’s Capital Poisoned by Waste

The Global Rundown Bamako, Mali, becomes an ‘open-air toilet’…

The Stream, October 30: African Countries Should “Decolonize” Water Laws, Report Says

The Global Rundown A recent report calls on African countries…

Federal Water Tap, October 29: EPA Waits for Court Extension on Drinking Water Regulation

The Rundown EPA waits for court decision on agency’s request…

HotSpots H2O, October 29: Amazon River Development Imperils Indigenous Communities

The Rundown Flowing more than 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers)…

The Stream, October 26: 1.4 Million U.S. Citizens Experienced Water Shut-offs in 2016, Study Finds

The Global Rundown More than one million U.S. citizens had their…

Tough Water Decisions in 2018 Election Initiatives

Voters will decide on infrastructure spending, oil and gas development, and salmon habitat protection.

The Stream, October 25: Wildfire Damage Raises Flood Risks in California

The Global Rundown Damage caused by wildfires raises the risk…

The Stream, October 24: Amazon River Dredging Threatens Food Sources of Indigenous Groups

The Global Rundown A major infrastructure project along the…

The Stream, October 23: E. Coli Continues to Taint Tokyo Olympic Swim Venues

The Global Rundown E. Coli and other contaminants continue to…