In Warming Great Lakes Region, Water, Heat Can be an Unhealthy Combination

From mosquitoes to sewer overflows, the heat and moisture of a changing climate are creating new health threats in the Great Lakes region.

Federal Water Tap, May 28: EPA Alerts Water Utilities to Inadequate Cybersecurity Protections

The Rundown EPA finds that most water utilities it inspected…

Fresh, May 28, 2024: Minnesota Lawmakers Expand Protections For Hundreds of Miles of Waterways

In a new bill, Minnesota lawmakers clarified vague language that had previously kept some 640 miles of creeks and streams from being classified as public waters.

Bald Eagles Nearly Died Out. What Can We Learn from Their Return to the Southern Great Lakes?

The pesticide DDT nearly wiped out North America’s bald eagles. Communities, scientists and politicians worked hard to bring this symbolic bird back from the brink

The Stream, May 22, 2024: Global Freshwater Migratory Fish Populations Plummet in Past 50 Years, Study Finds

Over the last half-century, migratory freshwater fish populations have endured a “catastrophic” global population decline.

Federal Water Tap, May 20: EPA Estimates Wastewater Funding Needs over Next Two Decades

The Rundown Some $630 billion is needed for sewage treatment…

The Stream, May 15, 2024: Solar Storm Disrupts Farmers Across North America

The weekend’s northern lights were a hindrance to many North American farmers, as GPS systems were scrambled and tractors stalled.

Wildfire Rampage Injures Lungs in the Great Lakes

People are unprepared for smoke from forest fires worsened by intense drought and heat.

Fresh, May 14, 2024: In Minnesota, Largest U.S. Potato Producer Sues White Earth Nation Over Water Permit Dispute

In northern Minnesota, the White Earth Nation is being sued for issuing water permits that farmers say are outside the tribe’s jurisdiction.

An Iowa Farm County Seeks Answers To Cancer Rate 50% Higher Than National Average

Palo Alto County has second highest cancer incidence among all U.S. counties.

The Stream, May 8, 2024: Farmers in India Turn to Ice Cream Sales As Water Scarcity Decimates Crops

Indian farmers, impacted by water scarcity in dry summer months, are increasingly becoming seasonal ice cream vendors to make an income.