California Drought: Lessons from Australia’s Biggest Dry

How should California respond to its water challenge? Join the Conversation

The Stream, March 10: Australia Coal Seam Gas Operation Fined for Polluting Groundwater

Pollution A coal seam gas operation in Australia's Pilliga forest…
Toxic Algae

Federal Water Tap, March 10: Water Spending Is Mixed in President Obama’s 2015 Budget

Like with any spending plan, water programs, because of their…

The Stream, March 7: Antarctic Research Base Wastewater Chemicals Contaminate Penguins

Scientific research stations in Antarctica are contaminating…

Peter Gleick: Clarifying the Discussion about California Drought and Climate Change

Confusion about California's drought stems from the failure of some scientists, bloggers, reporters, and others to distinguish among three separate questions.

President Obama Signs Bill to Continue Funding National Drought Warning System

The National Integrated Drought Information System puts federal data in the hands of farmers, state officials, and businesses.

The Stream, March 6: U.S. Coal Company Will Pay Largest Civil Penalty Ever Under Clean Water Act

United States Pollution Alpha Natural Resources, a United States…

The Stream, March 5: U.S. Judge Finds Corruption in Ecuador’s Decision on Chevron Water Pollution Case

Pollution A federal judge in the United States ruled that actions…

The Stream, March 4: Uncertain Fate for Dam on Myanmar’s Irrawaddy River

Conservationists worry that the Myitsone hydropower project on…
Toxic Algae

The Stream, March 3: Progress “Stubbornly Slow” on Safe Water, Sanitation in Southern Africa, Report Says

Africa More than 100 million people in southern African countries…
Toxic Algae

Federal Water Tap, March 3: California Dam, Alaska Mine, Lake Erie Algae

Building a long-debated reservoir in the Sierra Nevada foothills…
Toxic Algae

Joint U.S.-Canada Agency Calls for Big Phosphorus Reductions in Lake Erie

Curbing harmful algal blooms and oxygen-deprived dead zones in…