The Stream, December 23: Huge Quantity of Meltwater Trapped in Greenland Glaciers

Scientists discovered an area of meltwater the size of Ireland…

Federal Water Tap, December 23: Congress Begins Tying Loose Ends

Budget Deal The House and Senate made nice and passed a budget…

The Stream, December 20: Brazil Dam Combines Energy Goals with River Stewardship

Water and Energy At the binational Itaipú hydropower dam on…

The Stream, December 19: Tropical Forests are Key to Regulating Water Systems, Scientists Say

Water Supply Tropical forests act like sponges that trap water…

Report: 25% of World’s Agriculture Growing in Regions of High Water Stress

A new study from the World Resources Institute shows the connection between crops and water scarcity.

The Stream, December 16: Electronic Waste Expected to Increase 33 Percent in Four Years, Poses Water Pollution Threat

Pollution Discarded computers, tablets, refrigerators, and other…

Federal Water Tap, December 16: Climate Change and Water Supplies for Two Western U.S. River Basins

Dropping When It's Hot The Santa Ana watershed, home to 6 million…

NASA’s GRACE Satellites Show Colorado River Basin’s Biggest Water Losses Are Groundwater (2005-2013)

During presentations this week at the annual fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, researchers at the University of California, Irvine, announced that the region's most visible signs of drought – shrinking reservoirs – are dwarfed by groundwater losses.

Torrent of Water and Questions Pour From India’s Himalayas

One year later, Circle of Blue's senior editor Keith Schneider returns to India for our second round of reporting on water, food, energy problems in the region.

The Stream, December 13: Drought and Food Shortages Hit Malawi

Africa A severe drought in Malawi is creating food shortages…