Central Arizona Project irrigation groundwater Colorado River farmland fallowing Arizona Yuma Mesa

Federal Water Tap, October 28: Water Infrastructure Legislation & Studies

Kansas Aqueduct Study The Army Corps of Engineers will reassess…

The Stream, October 25: Are Australian Bushfires Linked to Climate Change?

Climate Change More frequent bushfires in Australia appear to…

The Stream, October 24: Drought Hits Economies of Countries in Southern Africa

Drought Zambia and Angola have both lowered their forecasts…

Kansas and Army Corps Revive Study to Ship Water from Missouri River to Ogallala Aquifer

In addition to reducing demand from its key aquifer, Kansas wants to study the cost of importing water to the High Plains. But will this cause conflict with neighboring states that also use the river?

The Stream, October 23: Drought Was Behind Collapse of Bronze Age Civilization

Drought A study of pollen grains has led scientists to believe…

The Stream, October 22: China’s Unrelenting Hydropower Growth

Hydropower In an effort to move toward cleaner renewable energy,…

Sipping from the Fountain of Prairie Life

Reporter Brett Walton recently visited the plains states of Kansas…
Central Arizona Project irrigation groundwater Colorado River farmland fallowing Arizona Yuma Mesa

Federal Water Tap, October 21: Pakistan Aid Package Includes Money for Dam

No, Thanks The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to consider two…

Notes from the Field: Adventure on the High (Inland) Seas

As reporter Codi Yeager-Kozacek's trip across Lake Michigan got a little more exciting when she sailed into an October gale, it was a fitting reminder of the difference between reporting from a desk and reporting from the field.

The Stream, October 21: Herding and Farming Water Demands Conflict in Tanzania

Water Conflict Small-scale farmers and livestock herders are…

The Stream, October 18: Floods and Water-logging Persistently Plague Bangladesh

Floods Man-made embankments meant to divide land and keep rivers…
Central Arizona Project irrigation groundwater Colorado River farmland fallowing Arizona Yuma Mesa

Fallowing Farmland: A New Card in Arizona’s Water Shuffle

A pilot project will test how much water can be saved by not growing crops.