The Stream, August 28: Northeast China Hit by Worst Floods in 100 Years

Floods More than 26,000 hectares of farmland were covered by…

Study: Cutting Ogallala Water Use Now Will Benefit Kansas Later

Not all is gloom and doom for the famed underground water resource…

Choke Point: U.S. — Water, Energy, and the Ohio River Valley’s New Course

Few places in the United States better understand the economically essential and ecologically risky accord between energy and water than this southeast Ohio town.

The Stream, August 27: Shale Gas Drilling Controversy in South Africa’s Karoo

Water and Energy Potential shale gas drilling operations are…

TIM: This Is Mongolia

Paved roads are still a rarity in this country, which is larger than Alaska and where 1.2 million people – 40 percent of the resident population – earn their keep herding livestock.

The Stream, August 26: Fire Threatens San Francisco’s Water

A wildfire in California could threaten San Francisco’s water…

Federal Water Tap, August 26: Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy (Plus, Food Safety)

“Smarter and Stronger” Better data and coordination, financial…

Summer Camp for Journalists: Water in Old Mining Country

On the road with IJNR's Mining Country Institute, Hawaii-based Codi Yeager-Kozacek returns to Michigan and the Midwest.

The Stream, August 23: First Chromium Water Standard in U.S.

“Five hundred times higher than safe levels is not protective…

The Stream, August 22: UN Conference Links Water and Sustainable Development

Yesterday’s United Nations (UN) conference stressed water management…

The Stream, August 21: China Reluctant to Engage in India’s Water Management Plans

In the fifth round of India-China Strategic Dialogue, India pressed…

The Stream, August 20: Campaign Against Coal Seam Gas in Australia

Water Contamination The Lock the Gate alliance in Australia…