Report: Groundwater Pumping a Major Cause of Declining Water Storage in the Middle East

Satellite data shows the Tigris and Euphrates river basins are yet another example of how groundwater is being pumped at unsustainable rates across the world.

The Stream, February 13: Balancing the Needs of Water Stakeholders

United States In his State of the Union address yesterday, President…

The Stream, February 12: International Year of Water Cooperation Launches

UNESCOPRESS reported yesterday from Paris where the ceremony…

The Stream, February 11: Water Shortages in Northeast U.S.

Droughts and water scarcity in Texas, Colorado and Mississippi…

Federal Water Tap, February 11: Landsat 8, Ready for Liftoff

Today, just after the lunch hour, NASA launches the eighth version…
S.S. Superior at the Port of Chicago

Report: Water Levels Hit Record Lows in Two Great Lakes, Wildlife Struggles to Cope with Changing Climate

Drought and reduced winter ice cover are contributing to declining water levels in the Great Lakes. As lakes Michigan and Huron hit record lows, a new report outlines what changes like this could mean for the region’s flora and fauna.

The Stream, February 8: In Texas, Recycling Wastewater for Drinking

Water Supply Wichita Falls, Texas is moving forward with plans…

The Stream, February 7: Damage from Mining Found on Great Barrier Reef

Coal-exporting ports are expanding along the coast of Queensland,…

The Stream, February 6: Lake Michigan Water Levels at Record Lows

Americas Water levels on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron have reached…

The Stream, February 5: Water-Energy Nexus in China

When a Greenpeace China rapid response team ventured to a chemical…

The Stream, February 4: Smart Metering Facing Resistance

Smart water meters—digital meters that measure usage and transmit…

Plan for Water Management in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin Signed Into Law

The Australian House of Representatives passed the major initiative late last year, but some states are fighting back.