Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

The Stream, January 15: U.S. Midwest Water Levels

In the Midwest, low water levels are a growing economic concern…
Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

The Stream, January 14: Texas Legislators Focus on Water Issues

Texas' state water infrastructure was a frequent topic of discussion…
Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

Federal Water Tap, January 14: National Climate Assessment Says We’re Living in a New World

The third U.S. National Climate Assessment gets quickly to the…
Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

The Stream, January 11: Global Food Price Index Falls

U.S. Drought The Food Price Index for December 2012, released…
India, Choke Point India, groundwater, pumping, surface water, water reform, irrigation, agriculture, food production, rice paddy

Water News: What’s Ahead in 2013

Drought, water disputes, debates about energy development —…

Top 10 Water News Stories of 2012

Best-in-class reporting on the confrontation between water, food, and energy that influenced policy making in Asia, proved invaluable to university researchers in Europe, and informed citizens and the media in the United States and around the world.

The Stream, January 10: New Rules Tackle Bacteria in U.S. Water Supply

U.S. federal regulations, set to take effect within three years, target pathogens in tap water, revising current rules to better target pathogens that can sicken people. Roughly 155,000 public water systems must comply with the Environmental Protection Agency rules, Scientific American reported, which add tests for E. coli.

2012 Was Hot, Dry and Energy-Shifty in the U.S.

The data confirm it. Last year broke records for temperature…
Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

The Stream, January 9: West Bank Floods as Wall Blocks Drainage

Winter Storms An Israeli security barrier built mostly in occupied…
Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

2012 Year In Review: At the Front Line of the Global Contest Over Water, Food, and Energy

Circle of Blue's senior editor Keith Schneider reflects on — and celebrates — this year's body of work from our top reporters.
Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

The Stream, January 8: Oil Sands Mining Increased Water Pollution in Canada

Oil sand mining operations in Alberta, Canada have been shown…
Workers swarm a big water transport canal near Tilda, India undergoing repair and expansion to serve the steam production and cooling requirements of the region’s expanding number of big coal-fired power plants.

The Stream, January 7: Pollution Leads to Connecticut Lawsuits and China Alerts

Jurors in New Hampshire are expected to hear a lawsuit accusing…