Report: Australian News Coverage Affects Public Acceptance of Policy and Science

Insufficient media coverage of the science behind water management…

The Stream, December 19: Climate Change and Everest at a Gigapixel

Barge traffic on a stretch of the Rhine River has come to a halt…

Great Lakes Map Shows Greatest Ecosystem Stress in Lakes Erie and Ontario

Researchers hope the map is used to plan restoration projects…

Colombia vs. Nicaragua: Dispute Over Borders and Resources in the Caribbean

Photo © NASAQuitasueño Bank, San Adrés Archipelago, Caribbean…

The Stream, December 18: ‘Peak Farmland’ May Be Good for All

Will farm land run out? The New York Times Dot Earth blog takes…

Delhi Dispatch: Rice, Wheat, and Water Serve Up Equal Helpings of Punjab’s Wealth and Risk

Free power, water, fertilizer, and chemicals encourages abuse of resources for world’s number two rice and wheat producer.

The Stream, December 17: India Faces Severe Warming by 2100

India's climate outlook in the upcoming century is bleak, according…

Federal Water Tap, December 17: The Water-Food-Energy Megatrend

The increasing demand for water, food, and energy is one of four…

Major Federal Study Sets Foundation for Colorado River Basin’s Future

Climate change and population growth will force the basin to…

The Stream, December 14: Water Situation ‘Critical’ in Bulawayo

Water Shortages A severe water shortage in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's…

Erin Huber

Erin Huber grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, near the Great Lakes,…

The Stream, December 13: Drier Future Ahead for Colorado River-dependent States

A federal report said that demand for Colorado River water will…