The Stream, November 26: Final Murray-Darling Basin Water Plan Signed into Law

Last week, the Australian government approved a plan to increase…

U.S. and Mexico Sign Major Deal on Colorado River Issues: Delta Restoration, Infrastructure, Water Sharing

The agreement marks a turn in Colorado River management. Senior…

Federal Water Tap, November 26: USDA Research on Nitrogen Use, Direct Farm Payments

A U.S. Department of Agriculture research branch published…

The Stream, November 21: U.S., Mexico Sign New Colorado River Water Deal

United States Representatives of the United States and Mexico…

The Stream, November 20: Greenhouse Gases Record High in 2011

According to the BBC the World Meteorological Organization's…

The Stream, November 19: Low Water Levels Threaten Mississippi River Barge Traffic

This summer's massive drought left Mississippi River levels unusually…

Federal Water Tap, November 19: Water Infrastructure Financing Bills in the Senate

Senator Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat, introduced legislation…

The Stream, November 16: Myanmar’s Test from Foreign Investment

Myanmar's forests, river systems, and the wildlife they support…

The Stream, November 15: Water Supply and Quality Woes in California

Dozens of unincorporated communities in California's Central…

The Stream, November 14: Flooding Hits Rome

Extreme Weather Suburbs, towns and farms outside of Rome flooded…

The Stream, November 13: U.S., Energy, and Climate Change

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), "by around…

First Time Key Global Energy Report Highlights Water Constraints of Energy Production

Energy is becoming a thirstier resource, the report states. Photo…