The Stream, October 22: California’s Water-Infrastructure Challenges Intensifying

Water is becoming ever-more expensive in California. Major infrastructure…

Federal Water Tap, October 22: GAO Recommendations and Open Council Seats

The Government Accountability Office recommends that the two…

Photo Slideshow: Vintage Collection, Before Clean Water Act

A sampling of 81,000 images — taken by more than 100 photographers and sponsored by the young EPA — to document the state of the nation's environment in the 1970s.
The Hartford, Connecticut riverfront, once polluted and unappealing, now draws nearly a million visitors each year. A riverside plaza, shown here, hosts concerts and festivals and is connected to downtown by a promenade over Interstate 91.

Clean Water Act Turns 40 (Part I): Cities Fall In Love With Rivers Again

Today, the Clean Water Act is 40 years old. Though it brought substantial benefits to urban areas, water quality problems — some old, some new — persist in the United States.

The Stream, October 18: Federal Focus on Water-Energy Nexus

The federal government must improve oversight on the nexus between…

The Stream, October 17: Environment Harmed in Rush for Food Security, UNEP Report Finds

Global investments in food security are degrading the environment,…

Food Supply, Fracking, and Water Scarcity Challenge China’s Juggernaut Economy

New project finds that building the world's fastest-growing economy…

Photo Slideshow: Above the Colorado River

A bird's eye view of the Colorado River demonstrates how persistent drought conditions affect the basin and how the southern Nevada region manages its share of what trickles down.

The Stream, October 16: World Food Day

World Food Day Yesterday was Global Handwashing Day, and today…

The Stream, October 15: After Drought, Some U.S. Farmers Give Up On Corn

Sea level rise and increasing floods are forcing families living…

Federal Water Tap, October 15: Reports on Western Water-efficiency Program and the Great Lakes

Three years into its agency-wide water efficiency and conservation…

Q&A: Pat Mulroy on Las Vegas and the Journey to Water Efficiency

Patricia Mulroy, general manager of the Las Vegas Valley Water District and the Southern Nevada Water Authority, talks with Circle of Blue at the 5th Annual WaterSmart Innovations Conference.