Oil and Water Don’t Mix in Lake Malawi Border Dispute

In the search for oil and natural gas, Africa’s third largest…

Great Lakes Ports and Shipping Companies Confounded by Climate Changes and Water Levels

With freighters forced to carry lighter loads, port structures damaged by rot, ship cannels that are filling with silt, there are millions of dollars in losses, repairs, and dredging — but scientists are working on adaptation solutions and planning resilience.

The Stream, August 17: Has Work Resumed on Laos’ Mekong Dam?

Despite assurances from Laos that work on its controversial Xayaburi…

With Water Management, We’re Missing the Obvious

For climate change adaptation and water management, start with…

The Stream, August 16: When Wells Run Dry

U.S. Drought Continues The drought has literally hit home in…

The Stream, August 15: Difficulty of Cleaning Urban Waterways

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is starting…

Republican V.P. Pick Paul Ryan: A Great Lakes Lawmaker Not Terribly Interested in Water Quality

The newly announced Republican running mate of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has a voting record that tilts heavily toward favoring development and reducing federal investment over environmental conservation and improving water quality.

Clean, Affordable Water is a Problem in This Country

While almost everyone in the United States has clean, reliable…

The Stream, August 14: Food and Water Relief Measures

France, the United States and G20 president Mexico have scheduled…

Oregon Congressman Proposes Clean Water Trust Fund

Revenue for the fund would come from taxes on containers and waste products.

Book Review of “A Twenty-First Century U.S. Water Policy”

A new book from the Pacific Institute argues that it is time to reassess the federal government’s roles and responsibilities for water management.

Federal Water Tap, August 13: Oil Dispersant Lawsuit

Environmental and public health groups are suing the U.S. Environmental…