The Stream, June 25: Water Pricing in China

China will introduce a new water pricing mechanism by 2015, the…

Federal Water Tap, June 25: Sea Level Rise in the United States

Two reports from federal research agencies suggest that sea-level…
Land Grabs, Agriculture, Agriculture as an Investment, Farmland Investment

U.S., U.K, and China Lead Foreign Land Investments In Agriculture and Finance

GRAIN’s online database is the foundation for much of what…

The Stream, June 22: South Australia To Spend $2 Million On Campaign For Murray Water

South Australia has allocated $2 million to support its bid to…

The Stream, June 21: How Much Water Does Fracking Use?

The Peruvian government's attempts to tighten the screws on illegal…

Illegal Mining in India Threatens Right to Water

A new report on India’s rampant illegal mining highlights corruption,…

The Stream, June 20: Maryland’s Million-year-old Water

Maryland is sitting atop an aquifer containing water that is…

Infographic: G20 Renewable Energy from 2002 to 2020

The NRDC predicts that the G20 will produce less than 4 percent from renewables by 2015 and 6 percent by 2020, up from only 2.6 percent currently and 0.86 percent in 2002.

The Stream, June 19: Severe Drought Hits North Korea

A severe drought has gripped one of North Korea's breadbasket…

Global Coal Consumption Up 48 Percent 2001-2010, and Four Other Prominent Numbers from the BP Energy Review

Renewable energy consumption increases, but King Coal is tenacious. Last…

The Stream, June 18: What’s the Potential of Green Accounting?

Can putting a monetary value on natural resources reign in unfettered…

Federal Water Tap, June 18: EPA Framework for Stormwater and Sewers

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the final version…