The Stream, June 5: Climate Change, Water, and Electricity

Investments Because climate change will make rivers warmer and…

The Stream, June 4: Water Riot in India

Conflict A Hindu youth who washed himself with water meant for…

Federal Water Tap, June 4: Water Pollution from Mexico Spurs Lawsuit

The state of Arizona has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. section…

In China, Every Square Meter Counts

Circle of Blue's senior editor wraps up his first of three weeks reporting in the field from China, finding a wealth of promise in fields of golden wheat.

Water Law: $105 Million Settlement in Water Pollution Lawsuit Between Swiss Company and U.S. Communities

Nearly 2,000 communities in the United States will be eligible…

Oklahoma Sets Ambitious Goal for Water Conservation

Oklahoma's governor has signed a bill that would limit freshwater consumption in 2060 to current levels, while expanding the use of marginal sources, despite a projected 28 percent increase in population and 33 percent increase in consumptive demand.

The Stream, June 1: The Fight For Australia’s Food

Switching to a low-carbon global economy could create a net gain…

The Stream, May 31: Pollution, Political Privilege Saddle India’s Water Resources

Despite fistfuls of money and decades of “action plans,”…

Reports on Oil Shale Development, Water Infrastructure Financing

Better investing through better information. Ceres, a coalition…

Blues Festival and Blue Skies in Beijing

Circle of Blue's senior editor will be filing reports from China for the next three weeks. See what he has to say about Beijing's Blues Festival and a beautiful blue-sky day.

Photo Slideshow: Coal Mining and Wine Making in Australia

An overview of Australia's Hunter Valley, traditionally known for its vineyards but more recently as a hydrocarbon center.

The Stream, May 30: Groundwater Depletion Threatens U.S. Food Security

Agriculture Groundwater depletion in major food-producing areas…