War in Ukraine Lengthens List of Violent Acts over Water

A new report details the rising number of clashes across the planet that are connected to water

The Stream, March 16, 2022: Arizona’s Water Supplies Are Shrinking

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Residents in Mariupol, Ukraine are…

At Peak of Its Wealth and Influence, Arizona’s Desert Civilization Confronts A Reckoning Over Water

State’s powerful will to grow is challenged by extreme heat, deep drought, and serious water-related stress.

Mapping the Water We Live On 💧

Editor's Note: On Fridays, we're sharing bits of inspiration…

Going deep for the story, literally 🌄

It all began in the damp and narrow tunnels of underground…

The Stream, March 2, 2022: Is Michigan Prepared for Climate Change?

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Amid claims that the state could be…

IPCC Climate Report: Six Key Findings for Water

Scientific body warns of ‘rapidly closing window’ for action