The Stream, March 29: Shale Gas Prospects in China and California

Water Shortage Years of uncontrolled digging of wells in Yemen…
The winning design by Richard Vijgen in the World Water Day competition by HeadsUP and will be on display in New York City's Times Square for one month. Titled “Seasonal and Longterm Changes in Groundwater Levels,” Vijgen's design uses NASA's gravitational data.

Satellite Perspectives: NASA’s GRACE Program Sees Groundwater From Space

A first-of-its-kind space mission shows dips in groundwater supplies…

The Stream, March 28: Diminishing Water Could Slow Clean Energy Development

Diminishing supplies of water, metals and biomass could slow…

The Stream, March 27: Uncertain Future for Shale Gas in Poland

Shale gas drilling is off to a disappointing start for investors…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

Agriculture and Sewage Dead Zone: Taking on Nutrient Pollution in the Mississippi River Watershed

As the impact of agriculture on water quality intensifies around the globe, two lawsuits in the United States aim to reduce the size of the Gulf of Mexico's ‘dead zone’ by setting limits on nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin.

The Stream, March 26: Tighter Rules for Coal Seam Gas in Australia?

South Australia has become the third Australian state to agree…

Photo Slideshow: America’s Water Infrastructure Shows Its Age

While the effects of America’s aging and eroding plumbing and water supply system are readily apparent, what to do about the infrastructure is not.

Federal Water Tap, March 26: What Are the Best Policies?

Restoring Abundance At a House hearing on the 2013 budget requests…

The Stream, March 23: Water Security Is National Security

Water scarcity will likely create conflict in regions around…

World Water Day 2012 Buzz

The world celebrates World Water Day and reflects on one of its greatest challenges.

Ned Breslin: Shifting Gears — Promoting Potential, Not Poverty, Is Positive Pledge for World Water Day

We need a mind shift this World Water Day; a transformation in how we think about and the approach we take to getting the message out to the world about water on this one day. And the shift is long overdue.

The Stream, March 22: Closing World’s Water Deficit Could Cost $104 Billion Annually

On World Water Day, we look at: Water Innovation Hindustan…