Infographic: Timeline of American Water Infrastructure Development (1651-2011)

In the United States, turning on the tap and receiving clean water is viewed as so basic to the quality of life that Americans take it for granted. But, as this detailed and interactive timeline shows, it has been a long road to supply running water to virtually every household in the country, and maintaining these investments continues into the modern era.
Infographic: American Plumbing — Tapping Into Water Infrastructure

Infographic: American Plumbing — Tapping Into Water Infrastructure

At least 85 percent of Americans use a municipal water system for drinking water or sewer services. This interactive infographic explains how water moves to and from your tap.

Climate Change Alters the Calculus for Water Infrastructure Planning

Adapting to climate change in the U.S., according to one estimate, will cost at least a half trillion dollars over the next four decades.

The Stream, March 21: Drought, Fire, and Kenya’s Wildlife

Drought and Water Access A forest fire in China's Yunnan province…

The Stream, March 20: Connecting the Dots Between Water Stress and Food Prices

Hydropower and Water Security Two of the world's biggest energy…
Map: Major Hydropower in China

Map: Major Hydropower in China

China is pushing its renewable energy agenda by investing in hydropower. By 2015, the Chinese government expects that its installed capacity from hydropower will amount to 300,000 megawatts, thus reducing the nation's reliance on fossil fuels.

The Stream, March 19: The Water Factor in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

U.S. scientists are investigating whether DNA from Asian carp…

Federal Water Tap, March 19: A Busy Week for Congress

Hear Ye, Hear Ye Last Thursday the Senate Committee on Indian…

The Stream, March 16: Emissions On The Rise

Climate Change Fossil fuels will supply 85 percent of the world's…

The Stream, March 15: On Weather Extremes, Land Grabs and Nuclear Power

Climate Change Australia should brace itself for higher temperatures…

The Stream, March 14: South Africa’s Water Gap

South Africa could face a 17 percent gap between water supply…

Food Security: Race to Prevent Famine As Drought and Food Crisis Plague Africa’s Sahel

An estimated 10 million people are struggling with growing food shortages in Burkina Faso, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger, which have all declared emergencies and appealed for international assistance. Aid agencies and governments are now bracing to reach remote communities before the situation deteriorates into a famine.