The Stream, January 10: Japan to Create Robot Farm in Tsunami Zone

The Japanese government plans to open a robot-run super farm…

Update: China Completes Tunnel Under Yellow River for South-North Water Transfer Project

China is on target to begin transferring water from the Yangtze River Basin to Hebei, Shandong, and Tianjin by 2013.

The Stream, January 9: China Moves Forward With South-North Water Transfer Project

China has completed the tunnel under the Yellow River for the…

Federal Water Tap, January 9: The EPA and Natural Gas

EPA in Court Landowner rights and government power are in the…

Advance of the Invader: Asian Carp Continue March to Northern Waters

Live carp have been found in North Dakota and past the electric barriers in Chicago. As the carp push forward, Michigan and other Great Lakes states are once again asking the U.S. Supreme Court to speed up action to stop the advance of the invader.

The Stream, January 6: U.S. Toxic Releases Increased, Says EPA Report

United States The release of toxic chemicals into the environment…

Ecuador and Oil: Chevron Loses Court Appeal Against $18 Billion Amazon Pollution Fine

Closing in on nearly two decades in court, this "David and Goliath"…

The Stream, January 5: Qatar’s Food Security

Unlike the other oil-rich, water-poor Gulf states, by 2024 Qatar…

Water News: What’s Ahead in 2012

News headlines are often dominated by the big, unexpected events…

The Stream, January 4: China’s Largest Freshwater Lake Shrinks

Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, currently has less…

The Stream, January 3: Quake Concerns Suspend Well Operations in Ohio

Ohio has suspended operations at five deep wells used to dispose…

The Stream, January 2: Houston’s Leaky Pipes

Houston's ailing pipeline system lost more than 18 billion gallons…