China Turns Profit From Coal-to-liquid Fuels Production, May Expand Controversial Program

Though China suspended most of its coal-to-liquid fuels refineries in 2008 due to concerns for scarce water resources and high production costs, recent financial gains may lead it to reconsider its policy.
Peter Gleick

The Stream, September 15: Business and the Environment

U.S. coal companies have donated $1.5 million to House Speaker…
Peter Gleick

The Stream, September 14: Global Climate Spending Grows

Global climate-protection spending totaled a record $567 billion…
Peter Gleick

The Stream, September 13: Renewable Energy in Africa

After financing about $9.3 billion of hydropower in Africa, China…
Peter Gleick

The Stream, September 12: Botswana Bushmen Revive Crucial Water Source

Botswana Bushmen in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve have re-opened…
Peter Gleick

Federal Water Tap, September 12: Rebuilding America

Jobs from the Drain, or the Road President Obama, in his jobs…
President Barack Obama

Water, Energy, and Transportation: President Obama Backs Infrastructure Bank in Jobs Speech

Included in the U.S. president's proposed American Jobs Act is the BUILD Act, allocating $US 10 billion to create a National Infrastructure Bank, governed by an independent board, which would help attract private capital and lower the borrowing costs for public works projects of regional significance.
Peter Gleick

The Stream, September 9: U.S. Temperature Records

Summer 2011 saw more warm temperature records tied or broken…
Peter Gleick

The Stream, September 8: Peak Water in Saudi Arabia

Peak water looms more ominously than peak oil for Saudi Arabia,…

Ned Breslin: Building Momentum — Is Self-starter the New Self-sufficient?

Every time I see Mayor Mendoza, I am greeted by his warm smile…

The Stream, September 7: Will Climate Change Sink Bangkok?

Bangkok could be under water by 2030, the Guardian reported.…
Peter Gleick

Peter Gleick: Is the U.S. Reaching Peak Water?

Adequate, high-quality freshwater is fundamental for health, growing food, natural ecosystems, and a productive U.S. economy including the production of energy and all vital goods and services. But as populations and economies grow, new constraints on water resources are appearing, raising questions about ultimate limits to water availability.