Somalia Suffers from Severe Drought

Water and Food Security: Somalia Famine Grows, Drought Could Ease

Meteorologists are hopeful for future rainfall, though they say the current disaster was preventable. The lack of rain, which is also affecting neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia, and political instability have tipped Somalia into a food crisis that could persist, even as drought conditions abate.

The Stream, September 6: Sixth Famine Zone in Somalia

The United Nations has declared a sixth famine zone in Somalia,…

The Stream, September 5: Floods in India

Floods caused by monsoon rains have affected millions of people…

Federal Water Tap, September 5: Natural Disasters Abound

Thrust from the Crust The nation’s nuclear power regulator…

Peter Gleick: Water as a Weapon — Qaddafi’s Last Desperate Gamble

There is a long history of conflicts over water. The first known water war was nearly 5,000 years ago: a conflict over irrigation ditches between the cities of Umma and Lagash in ancient Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq.

The Stream, September 2: U.S. Insurers Slow to Recognize Climate Change Threat

Only 11 out of 88 major U.S. insurers surveyed recently have…
Hurricane Irene

Watered Down: Hurricane Irene Renews Debates About U.S. Budget and Climate Change

Hurricane Irene killed at least 40 people, caused billions of dollars in damages, and cut power to nearly 8 million homes and businesses as the storm moved from the Caribbean through the East Coast of the United States last week. But while financial analysts and members of Congress focus on who and how much to pay for recovery, climate experts are pointing out holes in the system.

The Stream, September 1: Chinese NGOs Urge Apple to Clean Its Supply Chain

An investigation by a group of Chinese green NGOs reveals that…

The Stream, August 31: Leaked U.S. Cables Reveal Perception of Chinese Environmentalism

Extreme levels of radiation have been detected in soil within…
Om Prakash

Photo Slideshow and Q&A: Om Prakash Singh Documents the Perception and Harsh Realities of Water and Sanitation in Delhi, India

Delhi reportedly has a high percentage of coverage for sanitation and water supply. But one photographer has 74,000 images spanning the last 10 years that challenge the perception of progress
Libya aftermath - lack of clean water

Water as a Tool of War: Qaddafi Loyalists Turn Off Tap for Half of Libya

Muammar Qaddafi’s great achievement of tapping desert aquifers and sending the water hundreds of kilometers to Tripoli, the capital, and other coastal cities is now the focal point for sabotage and siege. Aid agencies have begun humanitarian relief as rebel leaders try to gain control of water-producing regions.

Video: Confronting Water Scarcity & Energy Demand in China

Choke Point: China is an on-the-ground report that displays in text, photographs, and interactive graphics the powerful evidence of a potentially ruinous confrontation between growth, water, and fuel that is already visible across China; a confrontation that is virtually certain to grow more dire over the next decade.