Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

NASA Mission Measures How Ocean Salinity Affects Climate and Water Cycle

Launching in June, the Aquarius satellite mission will improve scientific understanding of the global water cycle.
Infographic: How Desalination Works

The Stream, May 27: The Global Food Market

The dire drought in central and southern China may hit the grain…

Photo Slideshow: Food and Farmers — China’s Other Challenge

The farm sector and the coal sector together made up 85 percent of water used in China last year. These photos take a look at the people and places affected by rising energy demand, accelerating modernization, and diminishing freshwater resources.

China’s Other Looming Choke Point: Food Production

The Yellow River Basin is the center of a contest over water, energy, and agriculture.
Infographic: How Desalination Works

The Stream, May 26: The La Nina Factor

The La Nina weather pattern may be playing a part in the surge…
Infographic: How Desalination Works

The Stream, May 25: Go-ahead for UK Shale Gas

China is bracing for what might be the worst summer power crunch…
Infographic: How Desalination Works

The Stream, May 24: Water Business

IPS interviews Chilean environmentalist Sara Larraín about Patagonia's…
Infographic: How Desalination Works

The Stream, May 23: Water and the Middle East

President Barack Obama's speech on the Middle East last week…
Infographic: How Desalination Works

Federal Water Tap, May 23: Tribal Rights, Energy Projects, and Clean Water

Tribal Water Rights Owing to the cut-at-all-costs political…
Infographic: How Desalination Works

The Stream, May 20: Fighting For Land And Water

Tensions over illegal farmland seizures are turning into violent…
Top Ten Endangered Rivers

U.S. Conservation Group Releases Top 10 ‘Endangered Rivers’ Report

American Rivers' annual list highlights waterways with an immediate threat to their ecosystems.
Infographic: How Desalination Works

Infographic: How Desalination Works

What is the process, and how much energy does it take? This video describes two common methods—reverse osmosis and flash distillation—for obtaining water from the sea.