The Stream, May 19: Arctic Waters

A leaked draft of the official strategy for the Arctic reveals…
Coal Gasification Infographic

Infographic: Underground Coal Conversion — Creating Fuels and Fertilizers with Less Water

Though the chemistry and industrial processes for coal gasification…

The Stream, May 18: Toxic Food

Cadmium in rice, melamine in milk, arsenic in soy sauce, bleach…

The Stream, May 17: Energy for Europe

A five-month drought has gripped China's Hubei Province at the…
Mississippi Flooding

Waiting on High Waters — Louisiana Prepares for the Mississippi Flood (Updated 5/16)

Emergency spillways will be used to shepherd the river to the sea.

Infographic: China Leads Top 10 Coal Producing and Consuming Nations

Since 2000, global coal consumption has grown faster than any other fuel, with the biggest market for coal in Asia. Although China tops the global list for both coal consumption and production, the nation has emerged as the world's leading builder of clean coal technology.

The Stream, May 16: Droughts and Floods

A dire drought is forcing France to set severe restrictions on…

Federal Water Tap, May 16: Hydropower and Fracking

Central Utah Project The government is looking to lease. The…

The Stream, May 13: The Battle for the Arctic

Secret U.S. embassy cables released by Wikileaks reveal that…

Infographic: Tree Map of Freshwater Withdrawal by Country — A Comparison Between Continents

Does the population of a country affects to its freshwater withdrawal? and its geographic location? Are there differences between Continents? and within them? How the availability of freshwater is spread around the economic sectors?

The Stream, May 12: Agriculture vs. Industry

Though a recent study points to Europe's abundant shale gas reserves,…

Infographic: Three Types of Coal Mining — Process and Facts

Opencast mining involves scraping at the ground's surface, while room and pillar mining occurs below ground. Likewise, longwall mining uses heavy machinery to dig at coal seams beneath the surface: learn more in this interactive inforgraphic.