A Dry and Anxious North Awaits China’s Giant, Unproven Water Transport Scheme

Authorities anticipate approval for new western line to tap energy reserves. Sparks and the blue flare of arc welders, like hot stars in the night sky, illuminate the interior of a massive water tunnel that crosses underneath the Yellow River.

Photo Slideshow: China’s South-North Water Transfer Project

Taken together, the three lines are an audacious strategy to solve the increasingly dire confrontation between rising energy demand in a nation that is steadily getting drier.
China Pipeline Map

Infographic: China’s South-North Water Transfer Project

Authorities close to the central government say the western line will be built.

Federal Water Tap, February 28: Energy Scrutiny

Desert Energy Development Eagle Crest Energy is developing a…

The Stream, February 28: California’s Water

California's water is on the brink of a catastrophe, according…

Peter Gleick: Playing God

In a desperate attempt to make it easier to solve California's…

The Stream, February 25: Toxic Clean-up

South Africa has pledged $168 million to clean the toxic water…

The Stream, February 24: The Scale of Shale

Will Europe replicate the shale gas boom in the United States?…

Infographic: China’s Wind Energy Sector is Global Leader

Wind generating capacity in China has reached more than 42 GW—the most of any country.

The Stream, February 23: The Strategic Power of Water

Some 50 million environmental refugees will flood the global…

The Stream, February 22: Cholera and Climate

Investing 2 percent, or roughly $1.3 trillion, of the global…

New Wind and Solar Sectors Won’t Solve China’s Water Scarcity

Clean alternatives help, but not nearly enough, to loosen energy-water choke point