Climate Change Deniers Cherry Picking Data

Peter Gleick: Misrepresenting Climate Science — Cherry-Picking Data for Political Purposes

In 2009, Harrison Schmitt, a former senator, astronaut, and self-described climate "denier" (and potentially the Energy Secretary to the new New Mexican governor), sent a paper to NASA riddled with long-debunked errors of science. Others have written about this paper, taking it apart error by error. But this week, some of those errors reappeared
Billions & Billions Served

The Stream, February 10: Hydropower Push

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a draft plan…
Billions & Billions Served

The Stream, February 9: Drought in China

China barely gets mentioned in world food reports despite being…
Billions & Billions Served

The Stream, February 8: Food for Thought

Crop shortages are just another ingredient in an explosive mix…
Billions & Billions Served

The Stream, February 7: Drilling for Oil, Gas and New Life Forms

Despite the abundance of water in the Great Lakes, some areas…
Billions & Billions Served

The Stream, February 4: Revisiting the Bushmen

An appeals court in Botswana ruled that the Bushmen in the arid…
Billions & Billions Served

The Stream, February 3: Australia After the Storm

While a blizzard forced many in the Midwest to hole up in their…

Alaska Bulk Water Company Receives Export Contract Extension, Wants to Split with Partner

True Alaska Bottling sends a notice of dissolution to S2C Global, which rejects the disbanding of their joint bulk water export company.
Billions & Billions Served

The Stream, February 1: Weather Extremes and Budget Balances

While ordinary Chinese flood train stations, bus terminals and…
Circle of Blue & BSU

Circle of Blue and Ball State University Form Global Multimedia Reporting Project

Collaboration to focus on water, energy, and climate in China and Great Lakes. Immersive program puts advanced students in the center of “one of the decade’s biggest news, policy, and technology issues.”
Going the Distance for Water

Infographic: Going the Distance, From Ashgabat to Whyalla—10 Cities Pumping Water From Afar

In many cities, water travels far to reach the tap. Residents of the planet's driest places rely on extensive waterways to deliver their supply. Click through the interactive infographic below to learn more about 10 cities that pipe water in from distant aquifers, plus additional plans to expand waterway networks even further.
Billions & Billions Served

Ned Breslin: Counted Like Sheep — Retooling the WASH Model’s “Beneficiary” Indicators (Part I)

I hate the word “beneficiary.” Beneficiary is a misleading indicator and driver of development assistance.