Prompted By Scarcity, Colorado River Basin States Examine Their Lifeline

The worst drought in the 105-year historical record of the Colorado River has opened a new era of water scarcity that is prompting state and federal water managers to evaluate never before considered options for increasing water supply and reducing demand.

Peter Gleick: Peak Water

Peak water is coming. In some places, peak water is here. We're never going to run out of water -- water is a renewable natural resource (mostly). But increasingly, around the world, in the U.S., and locally, we are running up against peak water limits. The concept is so important and relevant that The New York Times chose the term "peak water" as one of its 33

Memo to Hu and Obama: Water and Energy Choke Points Merit Time at the China-U.S. Summit

Collaborate on resolving confrontation between rising energy demand and water scarcity in both countries.

Michigan Supreme Court Decision in Au Sable River Case Shores Up Protection for Environment

Court blocks dumping into a popular fly-fishing stream, sets precedent to protect Michigan waters from pollution.

Water Pollution Solution — New York Experiments with Coal Tar “Sponges” in Hudson River

Testing new methods to remove residual coal tar from riverbeds in New York.

Foot-and-Mouth Disease—Are Mass Animal Burials Causing Water Contamination in South Korea?

As animal bodies pile up, public fears water sources will become contaminated.

Peter Gleick: 2010 Hottest Year on Record—The Graph That Should Be on the Front Page of Every Newspaper

Climate change is worsening, fast. The National Climate Data Center of the National Oceanic

Bottling Wastewater Expands Island’s Oasis—Singapore’s NEWater Path to Independence

Singapore is first to bottle and sell wastewater for drinking.

First Approval in India’s National Plumbing Project, Despite Possibility to Endanger Tigers

The Ken-Betwa canal will transfer water between river basins in southern India.

Do It and Prove It—Information Technology Opens Up the Water Sector

Organizations are creating tech tools to shine light on water supply operations—and improve service.

Peter Gleick: State Needs More Water Storage – Underfoot

The massive rains over the past month are both a blessing and a curse for California.

North vs. South—Carolina States Settle Water Dispute Without Supreme Court

A negotiated agreement ends a three-year conflict between North Carolina and South Carolina over the Catawba and Yadkin rivers.