Talking Climate, Jobs, and Energy from D.C. to Cancun

House committee holds hearing on climate change as climate negotiators meet in Cancun.

Pakistan and India in Dam Building Race — Interpreting the Indus Waters Treaty

A new era of dam building brings uncertainty to the 50-year-old water truce between India and Pakistan.

Q&A: Jonathan Waterman on Running Dry

Jonathan Waterman has lived for five months on the waters of the Colorado River--he's paddled its length and then walked when the river ran out.

Peter Gleick: Fiji Water — When Environment, Politics, and Economics Collide Over Bottled Water

Fiji Water, one of the world's most well-promoted brands of bottled water, is also one of the most secretive and private.

Analysis: Despite a Drying and Flooding Planet, Cancun Climate Negotiators Anticipate Scant Progress

Without water as part of the equation, there can be no long-term solution to climate change.

EPA and Halliburton Skirmish — Promises of Safer Fracking Fluid

After denying EPA disclosure request, Halliburton promises safer fracking fluid and more disclosure.

More People, More Problems — Water Challenges with Chinese Urbanization

Recent reports reveal the nation's freshwater challenges and their possible solutions.

Top Global Businesses Report Water Risks, Assess Water Use

The Carbon Disclosure Project’s water risk survey is one of many reports and tools addressing corporate water management.

Businesses Get New Blueprint for Managing Water Risks

New guide from U.N. Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate outlines how corporations can successfully engage in water policy and management.

Study: Overpumping Draws Down the World’s Groundwater Reserves

Groundwater depletion doubled between 1960 and 2000.

Great Lakes Threats Go Beyond Asian Carp, Invasive Expert Says

Dr. Reuben Keller calls for long-term solutions to protect the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi and Illinois rivers.

Cholera in Haiti — The Climate Connection

Researchers explain the correlation between environmental interactions and human health, as reported infections climb to 10,000 cases.