Chinese Power Plant Develops Advanced Coal Technology

China attempts to move forward with its clean energy ambitions.

Asian Carp Czar Outlines Plan to Eradicate Invasive Fish

Announcement comes, as Canada plans joint effort with the United States to study the threat posed to the Great Lakes

The Rising Cost of Settling the American Desert

Power plant that moves torrent of water uphill considers closing

Toxic Sludge Carries Arsenic, Mercury Into Danube River

High levels of mercury and arsenic have been released from a containment pond at a Hungarian alumina plant, according to Greenpeace.

Egyptian NGO Wins UN Prize for Water and Sanitation Projects

The United Nation's World Habitat Award honors community-based model for clean drinking water and sanitation.

China’s Climate Emissions Are Global Issue, But Water Scarcity Is Greater Domestic Priority

China hosts its first U.N. climate conference as the country works to wed its financial and environmental ambitions.

Hungary Calls Emergency after Toxic Spill

Toxic leak in the Central European country threatens to reach a major international waterway.

Deforestation May Lead to Kilimanjaro Glacial Melt, Study

New study finds link between disappearing trees and receding ice atop Africa's tallest mountains.

UK Utility Plans Europe’s First Phosphorus Recovery Plant

Meanwhile in the United States, phosphorus levels in fresh water remain high and progress is absent, the U.S. Geological Survey reports.

Peter Gleick: Misusing California Water Numbers for Political Purposes: Jobs, Fish, and Lies

Anyone who pays attention to water in California knows that the state is just getting over (we hope) a serious three-year drought.