U.S. Gains Carp Czar, Court Hears Testimony on the Invasive Fish

The newly appointed czar says he's undecided on separating the infested Mississippi and Illinois rivers from Lake Michigan.

World Bank Report Endorses Integrated Approach to Water Management

Rising population growth and food demand coupled with climate change will test World Bank’s water resource strategy

Coal Ash Contaminates Groundwater and Drinking Water Sites in 21 States, Study Finds

The EPA must do a better job of regulating the waste and protecting the nation’s water supply.

Scotland Advances Renewable Energy Development

The country's first minister says Scotland could become the 'world's first hydro-economy.'

Reservoir of Acidic Water Rises Beneath South Africa’s Largest City

Polluted groundwater has forced the South African government to scramble for solutions.

Government Warns Against Contaminated Water in Wyoming Town

Freshwater wells deemed unsafe because of hydrocarbons.

Foreign Investors Becoming Players in Australia’s Water Market

Well-defined water rights, increasing demand, and scarcity projections are attracting investment funds from abroad.

Infographic: Water Use Per Mile Driven — Biofuels vs. Fossil Fuels

A breakdown of gallons of water used by transportation fuels per mile.

Peter Gleick: California’s Next One Million Acre-Feet of Water

This is a key time for California water: we are coming off of three years of serious drought and growing political conflict over water allocations.

India Cancels Hydroelectric Project on Ganges Tributary

The 600 MW project is the third on the river scrapped because of environmental and religious pressure.

Asian Carp Case Goes to Court as Foundation Pledges $500,000 to Protect the Great Lakes

Invasive Asian carp make a surprise appearance on the Missouri River.