Indigenous Groups in Ecuador Protest Water Reform Bill

The water legislation would consolidate too much power in the hands of the government, protesters say.

Peter Gleick: More on Climate Deniers and Their Abuse of Science

An analysis of the special interest rhetoric behind climate changes biggest naysayers.

California Water Board Changes Power Plant Regulations to Protect Aquatic Life

Power plants will be required to change their cooling systems to reduce the amount of water they withdraw from oceans and estuaries as a result.

Nile Basin Countries Fail to Sign River Treaty Again

Egypt and Sudan have rejected the proposed Nile Basin agreement as it stands, while the other seven members vow to press on.

Climate Change, Population Growth Threaten to Dry Up Britain’s Rivers

As Britain's water supply faces fluctuation, an environmental group is calling for systemic reform and improved conservation.

The War on Tap Water: An Exclusive Excerpt from Peter Gleick’s Bottled and Sold

"The growth of the bottled water industry is a story about 21st century controversies and contradictions: poverty versus glitterati; perception versus reality; private gain versus public loss of the last century."

Q&A: Paul Saffo on the Future of Media and a New Era of Environmentalism

Paul Saffo is a man who lives in the future, and he maps and predicts society’s biggest transformations. Paul is a Futurist who teaches at Stanford University, and for the past 20 years has explored the dynamics of large-scale, long-term change.

Oil Spill in Gulf Could Wash Ashore by Friday, Officials

The oil spill from an oil rig explosion could be leaking oil at five times the rate previously assumed.

Peter Gleick: Smart Water Meters, Dumb Meters, No Meters

How is it possible that a place like California, with such a long and painful history of water problems, remains so far behind the curve of smart water management?

Higher Water Prices Needed Globally, OECD Says

A report from 30 of the richest countries in the world says raising water rates will help protect and maintain the precious resource for the future.

Tracking the Threat and Politics of Asian Carp

Imported from Taiwan and brought to Arkansas as weed control agents three decades ago, Asian carp have become the poster children of potential threats to the Great Lakes. As the fish inch closer to invading Lake Michigan, regional and national politicians debate the financial consequences of coping with the invasive species. With the fate of multi-billion dollar a year industries on the line, the Obama administration has offered some fiscal support to quell the storm.

Supreme Court Rejects Michigan’s Asian Carp Lawsuit

Michigan's Attorney General Mike Cox is “looking at other legal avenues” to pursue the carp battle.